
So this blog is a collation of all my thoughts and rejiggings of this classic TSR UK 1E module, "UK6 All that Giltters..." (published back in 1984), now available for $4.99 in PDF format from DriveThruRPG (or scanned softcover).

To appreciate this blog, you'll really need a copy of the module, whether it be in PDF as above, you track down one of the expensive existing softcover originals, or obtain a POD / scanned version to scribble notes into at leisure.

At one stage I was very keen to write a "Return to the (Windwalker's Passages)" module, in the vein of some other similar modules (Tomb of Horrors, Whiteplume Mountain, Keep on the Borderlands etc) or more modern versions such as the 5E Ghosts of Saltmarsh hardback. 

Maybe I will someday.

It turns out I've already written quite a lot of material for this, over twenty blog posts in fact, which in some ways is surprising given I'm just deriving ideas and content from a single module...

However, I think there's a sense of focus to be found by picking through the bones of an old module and seeing what inspirations and ideas can be discovered in the details... or is that entrails?

2022 Note:  I've shifted a lot of the original material from my older articles (1st half of 2017) from my The Savant's Rants blog, as the main blog became very much dedicated to Twilight 2000 from about August 2017 and this material is now out of place there. Most of the older posts are admittedly mostly unchanged, apart from me adding some "minor updates" in blue italics, where needed to reflect new relevant links over the last 5 years. Where possible I'll instead be writing new material even if revisiting a topic that has a post already associated, although some of the older drafts will definitely be polished off, updated, and now finally published in their new home.


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UK6 All that Glitters... a Tenfootpole-style Review?

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